We transform organic waste to produce clean energy and biofertiliser for healthy sustainable agriculture in regional communities

a man's hand throwing a green apple into a metal waste basket

Our world-first* system converts industrial quantities of organic waste from virtually any industry into clean energy, biofertiliser & carbon credits.

Transform Organic Waste

small plant growing inside a light bulb in some soil

UAG’s innovative technology creates biomethane for energy, continuously available 24/7, or stored and used to support your other energy sources on demand.

Create Clean Energy

*Patent Pending. The proprietary configuration and design used in the Bio Nutrient’s process has 22 novel and inventive features

hand holding a mound of soil with a small plant growing out of it

Our process converts waste into high carbon, humus-based, microbially rich organic output for soil regeneration at an industrial scale.

Produce Carbon-Rich Fertiliser

Who we help

Our vision is to feed the world from waste to plate . . .




Why we help

We’re driven by your needs and our purpose – enable healthy food production by regenerative farmers, reduce waste, transform regional communities and create a better, more sustainable world.

Who we are

We are a high-technology Australian agribusiness dedicated to solving some of the most urgent environmental issues for agriculture and industry.

Our team of engineers, microbiologists and experts in finance, energy and infrastructure has pioneered a new way to regenerate the soil.