We offer a full advisory service for agriculture, industry and municipal authorities on how our process can help address their environmental challenges. Our team can help you every step of the way from business case, approvals to design, build and operation.


Our system is fully modular, transportable and scalable. Our advisory team, designers and engineers will help design and build a facility that precisely meets your individual needs.

Design & Construction

For our current and future clients, we provide 24/7 operational and technical support.

Operational Support

*Patent Pending. The proprietary configuration and design used in the Bio Nutrient’s process has 22 novel and inventive features

Our world-first* system converts industrial quantities of organic waste from virtually any industry into clean energy, biofertiliser & carbon credits.


a man's hand throwing a green apple into a metal waste basket

UAG’s innovative technology creates biomethane for energy, continuously available 24/7, or stored and used to support your other energy sources on demand.


small plant growing inside a light bulb in some soil

Our process converts waste into high carbon, humus-based, microbially rich organic biofertilisers for soil regeneration at an industrial scale. Our product is supported by our own team of agronomists and soil scientists who can help you with your biofertilser needs. Our production starts on the east coast of Australia in early 2024. Get in touch to learn more.


hand holding a mound of soil with a small plant growing out of it

Carbon emission reduction and associated carbon credits are created by avoiding greenhouse gases and sequestering carbon into the soil. Our first project has been approved by the Clean Energy Regulator to create Australian Carbon Credit Units.

Carbon Capture

Our techonolgy

Minimise waste
Maximise output

The soil beneath our feet is a living ecosystem of microbes that nourishes the soil and creates the nutrients we rely on to grow food. These tiny organisms remove CO2 – a greenhouse gas – from the atmosphere and store it in the soil.

Overfarming with the extensive use of synthetic fertilisers has degraded our farming systems.  Farmers worldwide are increasingly turning to humified, carbon-based biofertilisers to recycle carbon to the soil, naturally improving soil quality, water storage efficiency, improved nutrient storage and cycling. The result is improved produce quality and human health.

Our process is the first in the world to efficiently and cleanly integrate anaerobic digestion with vermiculture at industrial scale to convert organic waste into biofertiliser and clean energy.

By transforming organic waste into valuable products, our closed loop approach is the missing link in the circular economy – minimising waste, maximising resource recovery, and promoting a more sustainable and regenerative model for agriculture and industry.