Our Technology
By transforming organic waste into valuable products, our closed-loop approach is the missing link in the circular economy.
Minimise waste
Maximise output
The soil beneath our feet is a living ecosystem of microbes that nourishes the soil and creates the nutrients we rely on to grow food. These tiny organisms remove CO2 – a greenhouse gas – from the atmosphere and store it in the soil.
Overfarming with the extensive use of synthetic fertilisers has degraded our farming systems. Farmers worldwide are increasingly turning to humified, carbon-based biofertilisers to recycle carbon to the soil, naturally improving soil quality, water storage efficiency, improved nutrient storage and cycling. The result is improved produce quality and human health.
Our process is the first in the world to efficiently and cleanly integrate anaerobic digestion with vermiculture at industrial scale to convert organic waste into biofertiliser and clean energy.
By transforming organic waste into valuable products, our closed loop approach is the missing link in the circular economy – minimising waste, maximising resource recovery, and promoting a more sustainable and regenerative model for agriculture and industry.